Friday, March 22, 2019

Zina and its negative Effect

ZINA and its negative effects
1.         Understanding
          Zina / Adultery is sex between men and women without a legitimate marriage bond. Done consciously and without subhat elements. Adultery is a very despicable act and the perpetrators are subject to very severe sanctions, both legal and stoning for reasons that can be accounted for morally and intellectually.

     2.       Zina Law  
           Already an Ijmak ulama, that zina acts are unlawful and is one form of great sin. God's Word which mean:
68. "and those who do not worship another God and Allah and do not kill souls that are forbidden by Allah (kill them) except with (the reason) that is true, and do not commit adultery, those who do such things, He will receive (revenge) ) (his) sins,
69. "( ie ) will be doubled doom for him on the Day of Resurrection and He will be eternal in the punishment, in the state of humiliation", (Surat al-furqan [25]: 68-69)

In the hadith narrated by Bukhari and Muslim from Abdullah bin Ma'ud said which means:
"I (Abdullah bin Mas'ud) asked: 'Ya Rasulallah, what is the biggest sin? "The Prophet replied: 'You provide allies to God, even though He created you,' I ask again: 'Then what sin? The Prophet replied: 'You killed your child because of poverty. 'I asked again: Then what? He replied:' You commit adultery with your neighbor's wife. '"(HRBukhari and Muslim)

    3.       Basic Determination of Adultery  
           The adultery can be continued by the perpetrator of adultery, if the one who does it really does. For this reason, it is necessary to establish syarak. Rasulullah was very careful in carrying out this adultery. He did not impose a sentence before being convinced by syarak that a person had committed adultery. According to syarak, someone has committed adultery if there are the following things.  
          a.     Four male witnesses were all fair. The four gave testimony   the same about the place, time, actors and how to do it. If these conditions are not met, then it cannot be determined syarak that the person concerned has committed adultery. Word of Allah. :
Meaning: "And (to) the women who do evil deeds [275], let there be four witnesses among you (who witnessed it). then if they have given a testimony, then confine them (the women) in the house until they meet their death, or until God gives another way to it (Qs an-nIsa [4]: ​​15)

[275] Cruel deeds: according to jumhur mufassirin which is a mean of vile deeds is an act of adultery, while according to another opinion are all acts of lewdness such as: zina, homo sek and the like. according to Muslim opinion and Mujahid what is meant by vile deeds is musahaqah (homosek between women and women).
[276] According to Jumhur Mufassirin the other way is the descent of verse 2 of the letter An Nuur.
            b.     The perpetration of perpetrators was carried out during the time of the Prophet, as the history of jabir ra hadith :
وَعَنْ أَبِيْ هُرَيْرَةَ رَضِيَ اللّهُ عَنْهُ قالَ : ( أَتى رَجُلٌ مِنَ الْمُسْلِمِيْنَ رَسُوْلَ اللهِ صَلّى اللهِ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلّمَ - وَهُوَ فى الْمَسْجِدِ -                 فَنادَاهُ فَقَالَ : يَا رَسوْلَ اللهِ ! اِنّيْ زَنَيْتُ , فَأَعْرَضَ عَنْهُ , فَتَنَحّى تِلْقَاءَ وَجْهِهِ فَقَالَ : يَا رَسوْلَ اللهِ ! اِنّيْ زَنَيْتُ , فَأَعْرَضَ عَنْهُ , حَتّى ثَنّى ذلِكَ عَلَيْهِ أَرْبَعَ مَرّاتٍ , فَلَمَّا شَهِدَ عَلَلى نَفْسِهِ أَرْبَعَ شَهَادَاتٍ . دَعَاهُ رَسُوْلُ اللهِ صَلّى اللهِ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلّمَ فَقَالَ أَبِكَ جُنُوْنٌ؟ قَالَ لَا قَالَ : فَهَلْ أَحْصَنْتَ؟ قَالَ نَعَمْ فَقَالَ رَسُوْلُ اللهِ صَلّى اللهِ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلّمَ : اِذْهَبُوْ بِهِ فَارْجُمُوْهُ ) - متفق عليه -

Meaning: "Abu Hurairah ra said: There is one   from the Muslims met the Messenger of Allah. When he was at the mosque. He called on him and said: O Messenger of Allah, truly I have committed adultery. He turned away from him and the person turned to face his face, then said: O Messenger of Allah, truly I have committed adultery. He looked away again, and the person repeated his words four times. After he made a point with his own mistakes four times, the Messenger of Allah, called him and said: "Are you crazy?" He replied: No. He asked: "Are you married?" He replied: Yes. Then the Prophet said: "bring him and stoning". ( muttafaq Alaihi)
Some scholars argue that the pregnancy of women without husbands can be used as a basis for determining adultery. However , the number of scholars has the opposite opinion, pregnancy without recognition or four witnesses cannot be used as a basis for zina.
Had zina can be imposed on the culprit , if the following conditions have been met:
a.        The culprit is bald and understanding
b.       Zina acts are carried out on their own accord (not forced)
c.        The culprit knows that adultery is an illegitimate act that is threatened with had
        d.       Has been confident syarak that the person really has committed adultery.
4.       Kind of Adultery and its Law
Broadly speaking , there are two kinds of adultery, namely as follows:
a.    Stoning, which is a type of death sentence by being stoned until the convict dies.
b.       Dera and Taghrib. Dera, also called Volume, is a type of punishment in the form of a crime against a perpetrator, while Taghrib is a type of punishment in the form of exile to a place. The form is now a prison sentence.
The above adultery is imposed on adulterers with the following conditions :
1)    If the adulterer is muhsan, then the gift is stoning, narrated from Umar bin khattab and another hadith which explains that the Prophet had carried out the stoning law.
The stoning verse referred to by Umar bin Khattab is a verse whose pronunciation is mansukh, but the law still applies. The sound of the verse , as quoted in the Qur'an Al-itqan fi Ulumil is:
  اِذَا زَنَا اَلشّيْخُ وَالشَّيْخَةُ فَارْجُمُوْهُمَا البَتَّةَ نَكَالًا مِنَ اللهِ وَاللُ عَزِيزٌ حَكِيْمٌ
Meaning: "If an old man and woman (who has been mixed with a legitimate wife / husband) commit adultery, then stoning them to death, as a warning from Allah. And Allah is all mighty, all wise. "
2)    If the adulterer is an independent male or female   who had never intervened, had been in the era of 100 times and had been exiled for a year. Decision 100 times and exiled based on the verses of the Qur'an and punishment.
Firman Alah Swt:
It means: "adulterous and adulterous women, then every one of the two hundred will be hurt, and do not give mercy to them to prevent you from (carrying out) the religion of Allah, if you believe in Allah, and the Hereafter, and let their punishment be witnessed by a group of believers. (Qs- Nur [ 24]: 2)

Hadith of the Prophet.
عن زيدابن خالد رضي الله عنه: عن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم أنه أمر فيمن زنى ولم يحصن بجلد مائة وتغريب عام (رواه البخاري)
The meaning: "From Zaid bin Khalid, may Allah be pleased with him. From the Messenger of Allah. Indeed, the Messenger of Allah. Send men who commit adultery and he who is not a muhsan to be detained a hundred times and exiled for one year ". (Bukhari)
If the adulterer is   slaves, both men and women, whether they have interfered with their wives / husbands in legitimate marriages or not, if they commit adultery, they are harassed fifty times and exiled for half a year.
God's Word
Meaning: ... "And if they have guarded themselves by marrying, then they commit acts of cruelty (zina), then for them half of the punishment is from the punishment of independent women who are married ..." (Qs an- Nisa [ 4] : 25)
Half penalty intent here is half the flogging sentence on the merdekan, as mentioned in Surah an-Nisa verse 2, namely flogging seratus.Jadi their punishment is half, fifty stripes.
5.         Wisdom is forbidden Zina
Wisdom is forbidden from adultery, including the following:
a.      Maintain human sanctity and self-esteem, both before beings (fellow humans) and with the khalik (Allah SWT)
b.      Keeping offspring from jumbled up which is forbidden by syarak
c.       Maintained from infectious diseases that are usually transmitted through   freedom to hang out and do husband and wife relations, for example: syphilis or king of lion king, and AIDS which until now has become a feared disease
d.      With the enactment of the law of harassment or stoning openly for adulterers can instill fear in people who have not and wish to commit adultery
  e.       Maintain the integrity of a harmonious family life.

bad consequences and danger of adultery
    •                                 In adultery accumulated various sins and ugliness, namely the reduction of the religion of the adulterer, the loss of the attitude of guarding themselves from sin, bad personality, and loss of jealousy.
    •                                 Adultery kills shame, whereas in Islam shame is a matter of great concern and jewelry that is very beautiful for women .
    •                                 Make the culprit's face dark and dark.
    •                                 Make the heart dark and turn off the light.
    •                                 Make the perpetrator always in poverty or feel so that he never feels enough with what he receives.
    •                                 Will eliminate the honor of the culprit and fall in dignity both before God and fellow human beings.
    •                                 The growth of wild nature in the adulterer's heart, so that his eyes are wild and not directed.
    •                                 Adulterers will be looked upon by humans with disgust and disbelief.
    •                                 Adultery produces a foul odor that can be detected by people who have a clean heart through their mouth or body.
    •                                 Narrow heart and chest always felt by adulterers. What he gets in life is the opposite of what he wants. Because people who seek the pleasures of life in ways that violate Allah's commands, then Allah will give the opposite of what he wants, and Allah does not make his prohibitions a way to get good and happiness.
    •                                 Adultery has forbidden her to get an angel in the world and in the hereafter .
    •                                 Adultery makes the breakdown of brotherly relations, disobedience to parents, illegitimate work, wrongdoing, and wasting the family and offspring. It can even create bloodshed and magic and other great sins. Adultery is usually related to other sins and immorality, so the culprit will commit other sins.
    •                                 Zina eliminates the culprit's self-esteem and destroys her future, thus burdening the prolonged humiliation of the adulterer and her entire family.
    •                                 The insult inherent in adultery is more imprinting and profound than paganism. Infidels who embrace Islam, then the problem is over, but the sin of adultery will truly imprint on the soul. Although adulterers have repented and cleansed themselves, adulterers still feel different from people who have never done it.
    •                                 If a woman is pregnant as a result of adultery, then to cover her shame she aborts her womb. In addition to having committed adultery, adulterers have also killed innocent souls. If the adulterer is a woman who has married and committed an affair so that she is pregnant and allows the child to be born, then the adulterer has included a stranger in her family and her husband's family so that the child gets their inheritance without realizing who he really is.
    •                                 Adultery will give birth to a generation that has no family tree according to blood relations (nasab). In the eyes of the community they do not have clear social status .
    •                                 Male adultery means that it has tarnished the sanctity and honor of women.
    •                                 Adultery can cause hostility and ignite a fire of revenge on a woman's family with a man who has committed adultery with a woman from the family.
    •                                 Adultery greatly affects the souls of adulterers' families, they will feel fallen in the eyes of society, so they don't dare to lift their faces in front of other people.
    •                                 Adultery causes the spread of dangerous diseases such as AIDS , syphilis , gonorrhea , and other diseases that are transmitted through sexual intercourse.
    •                                 Adultery is a cause of disaster to humans, they will all be destroyed by God due to the sin of adultery which is a tradition and carried out openly.

10 Characteristics of Prospective Women of Hell
(Girls must read IMPORTANT ......)
Rasulullah SAW said: I look into hell, so I see most of its inhabitants are women, that is because it is rarely obedient to Allah and His Messenger and their husbands and because many preen to exhibit beauty. Then the Prophet said: "I cried when I was driven into the sky, I saw the women of my people being tortured in hell. I saw 10 kinds of torture for women, namely:
1. The woman who is hanged with her hair is because she does not want to close (protect) her hair so that it is not seen by other men.
2. The woman who is hanged with her tongue, is because she likes to hurt her husband in his words. Prophet Muhammad SAW:
"Someone who hurts her husband with his words, then Allah will
spreading his tongue on the Day of Judgment will be as wide as 70 zira and will tie behind his neck. "
From Usman ra said Bahawa Rasulullah saw said: "A woman who said
to her husband, saying: 'I have never seen your kindness', then indeed Allah will abolish his good deeds for 70 years, even though he fasts and during the day and does prayers at night. "
3. Women who are hanged with fruit
his chest, is because he is breastfeeding someone else's child
by not getting her husband's permission.
4. A woman who is tied to her feet, is because she leaves the house without getting her husband's permission first and does not take a shower, to cleanse herself after menstruation or childbirth.
5. Women who eat their own bodies are decorated to be seen by other men
and those who like talking about other people.
6. The woman who cut her own breasts with scissors from hell was because she made fun of herself among the crowd, and meant that people would be interested in her because of the jewelry she was wearing.
7. A woman who is tied to both her legs and hands to reach her head, and is wrapped around several snakes and scorpions is because she is allowed to pray, fast but she does not want to take ablution and she does not want to do prayer and does not want to shower .
8. A woman whose head is like a pig's head and whose body is like a donkey is because she likes to fight and is very fond of lying.
9. A woman who is shaped like a dog is because she is an expert in slander and anger
to her husband.
10. And women who resemble dogs, fire into their mouths and out of their anus are women who like to bring up their gifts, jealousy, envy and disobedience to their husbands.
This is the doom and misery experienced by women who have been seen by the Messenger of Allah
when taken to the sky during the events of Israk and Mikraj

Dictionary "The History Of Islam"

Created By: Nashihuddin, M.Ag

Abessinia (Ethiopia). The purpose of the first Hijrah was carried out by the Companions at the behest of the Prophet It happened in the 5th year of Prophethood (615 AD) to the Ethiopian region which at that time was ruled by the King of the Jewish religion, the name Raja Najasyi. The group consisted of 12 men and 4 women (including his daughter Ruqayyah) who were led by Uthman bin Affan. The second group was led by Ja'far bin Abi Talib and was able to convince King Najasyi about the truth of the Islaam religion in accordance with Jewish teachings so as to be able to break the arguments of the Qafish kafir envoys namely Amr bin Ash and Abdullah bin Rabiah.
Abraha : a governor of Abyssinia ( Ethiopian Empire ) who succeeded in conquering and becoming King Saba ( Yemen ). Abraha renowned for its leadership in making aggression military against those o rang Quraysh in Mecca that occurred around the year 570 , [2] as told in the story of Islam, especially in al-Fil . It is said that Abraha wanted to destroy right Ka'ba to send troops of elephants , narrated Abraha and his soldiers die like "leaves eaten by caterpillars" after d ijatuhi hot stones that come from hell by birds Ababil , this incident happened in the year known as the Year of the Elephant .
Abu Bakar As-Shidiq . Assabiqunal Awwalun from among men. He was the first Islamic caliph in 632 to 634 AD Born with the name Abdullah bin Abi Quhafah, he was one of four caliphs who were given the title of Khulafaur Rasyidin or the caliph who was instructed . Abu Bakr is the father of Ayesha , the wife of the Prophet Muhammad. The real name is Abdul Ka'bah (meaning 'servant of the Ka'bah'), which was later changed by Muhammad to Abdullah (meaning 'servant of Allah'). Muhammad gave him the title Ash-Shiddiq (meaning 'the one who said the truth') after Abu Bakr confirmed the Isra Mi'raj event told by Muhammad to his followers, so that he was better known by the name "Abu Bakar ash-Siddiq ".
Abu Aswad Ad-Duali : inventor of Arabic grammar (nahwu) who lived during the caliph Ali bin Abi Talib
Abu Lahab . The figure who was very hard against the Prophet's Da'wah . When the Messenger of Allah. sermon on the hill of Shafa. So the name is enshrined in the surah in the Qur'an.
Abu Lu'luah (Fairuz). Killer of Caliph Umar bin Khattab.
Abdullah bin Saba . The assassin of Caliph Usman bin Affan.
Abdurrahman bin Muljam . Compassion of Caliph Ali bin Abi Talib
Abu Jahal . The Kafir Quraish figure who became the leader in the battle of Badr.
Abu Sufyan . The commander of the Quraish infidel forces in the khandaq / ahzab / trench.
Abu Zar al-Ghiffari . The friend of the Giffari tribe who succeeded in marrying two tribes namely Banu Daus and Bani Giffar.
Īanīf Religion : is an Arabic word that refers to the pre-Islamic monotheistic religion that is not Jewish or Christian.   Or more specifically it refers to pre-Islamic Arabs during the Jahiliyah era ( الجهل ) The group that follows Hanif's monotheistic creed is a group that rejects shirk and only worship Allah. Hanif religion is the religion brought by   Prophet Ibrahim as to call on the monotheism . Hanif also means straight. Millah Ibrahim Hanifa, which is the straight religion of Abraham.
Wassani Religion . pagan religion. This religion was carried by an Arab character named Amru Ibn luhay Al-Khuza'i. He brought a statue from Sham to the Kaaba. Some of the idols worshiped are Latta, Uzza, Hubbal, Mana etc. (around 360 idols are in the Kaaba).
Divine Religion . Religion that comes from revelation or the guidance of Allah SWT to His Prophets and Messengers, is to be used as a guide for his life. Like Islam, Christianity and Judaism.
Ardi Religion . Religion that is not derived from wahyutetapi the results of thought and human creation and culture. Like Hinduism and Buddhism
Ahluz zimmah . Unbelievers who are protected by Islam
Amir al-mu'minin . The title which was first used by the Caliph Umar bin Khattab because of his position and duty to lead the believers
Amru bin Luhay Al-Kuzai. figures who brought and introduced pagan religion (the Wassani religion)
Amul Huzni . The year of sadness where the Messenger of Allah felt very sad was left behind the death of Abu Talib (his uncle) because Abu Talib was like the place where he rode from the disruption of the infidel Quraish and Siti Khadijah (his wife) who always gave moral and material support to his da'wah activities.
Arqam bin Abil Arqam . A friend of the prophet whose house was made the center for the formation of the ummah by the Prophet Muhammadiyah Saw at the time of preaching secretly.
Awwalun Assabiqunal . Namely the people who first converted to Islam, among others:   Khadijah bint Khuwailid. from among women (their own family), Abu Bakar ash-Shidiq, from among men (a friend of Nab i Saw.) Ali bin Abi Talib, from among the children (the Prophet's cousins), Zaid bin Haritsah, from among the slave servants (adopted son of the Prophet. Abdurrahman bin Auf, Abu Ubaidah bin Jarrah, Usman bin Affan, Zubair bin Awwam, Saad bin Abi Waqas, and Talhah bin U Baidah (in Islam by Abu Bakr Ash-Shidiq).
Abu Masakin : The meaning of masakin is poor people. This is a nickname for Ja'far bin Abi Talib radhiyallohu 'anhu. Abu Hurairah once said: "The best of men in making friends with poor people is Ja'far bin Abi Talib. While Ummu Masakin This title was given to the Believer of the Faithful Zainab binti Khuzaimah, because of his love in helping the poor.
Asadullah (Lion of God) : This is the title for Hamzah bin Abdul Muthal ib, the uncle of the Prophet Muhammad who died during the battle of Uhud. His courage in fighting for Islam really deserves the honorary title.
AlKhawarizmi . Figures and experts in the field of mathematics that compose the book Al-Jabar
Al-Ershad . The Association of Al-Irshad Al-Islamiyyah (Jam'iyat al-Islah wal Irshad al-Islamiyyah) was established on 6 September 1914 (15 Syawwal 1332 H). The date refers to the establishment of the first Al-Ershad Al-Islamiyyah Madrasah, in Jakarta. His own legal recognition was issued by the Dutch Colonial Government on 11 August 1915.
The central figure of the founding of Al-Irshad is Al-'Sheikh Ahmad Ahmad Surkati Al-Anshori, a great scholar of Mecca from Sudan. At first the Surkati Sheikh came to Indonesia for the request of the Jami'at Khair association - the majority of its members consisted of Indonesians of Arab descent in the sayyid group, and were established in 1905. His full name is SYEIKH AHMAD BIN MUHAMMAD ASSOORKATY AL-ANSHARY.
Al-Irsyad is a national Islamic organization. The terms of his membership, as stated in Al-Irshad's Articles of Association are: "Citizens of the Republic of Indonesia who are mature Muslims."   So it is not true the assumption that Al-Ershad is an organization of people who are descendants of Ar ab.

As-Shidiq . Title of Abu Bakar ra. (best friend of the Prophet) Saw whose meaning is justified, because he was the person who first confirmed the events of Israel.
Al-Faruq . This means that the difference between the right and the righteous, is the title for Umar bin Khattab ra
Aus and khazraj . Two tribes from Yatsrib (Medina) who first received Islamic Da'wah
Abu Hurairah . His real name is Abdur Rahman bin Shakhr Originating from the Banu Daus tribe of Yemen . He is estimated to have been born 21 years before hijrah , and since childhood he has become an orphan. When he was young he worked for Basrah bint Ghazawan, who later married after he converted to Islam . His real name in the time of jahiliyah was Abdus-Syams (servant of the sun) and he was called as Abu Hurairah (father / cat owner) because he liked to care for and care for cats. Abu Hurairah is the best friend who narrates the hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad, which are 5,374 hadiths. Among those who narrated the hadith from him were Ibn Abbas , Ibn Umar , Anas bin Malik , Jabir bin Abdullah , and others.
Alfarabi . scientist and philosopher Islam comes from Farab, Kazakhstan . known in the western world as Alpharabius. His most famous work is Al-Madinah Al-Fadhilah (City or Main Country)
Abu Ma'syur al-Falaki : a figure of astronomy (astrology) of his work, among others, isbatul ulum and Haiatul falaq.
Aya Sofya . In Turkish , is a former basilica building , mosque , and now a museum , in Istanbul Tur ki. When Constantinople was conquered by Sultan Mehmed II on Tuesday May 27 1453 and entering the city , Meh med II descended from his horse and prostrated gratitude to God , then went to the Church of Hagia Sophia and ordered to turn it into a mosque known as Aya Sofia. In 1937, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk changed the status of Hagia Sophia to a museum . Begin the "Demolition of Hagia Sophia" project. Parts of the walls and ceiling are scraped from calligraphy paints to rediscover Christian sacred paintings . Since then, the Church of Hagia Sophia has become one of the famous tourist attractions by the Turkish government in Istanbul. Its historical value is covered in beautiful, Byzantine architectural styles .
Abdurrahman ad-Dakhil . the foundation for the establishment of the Bani Umayyad Dynasty in Andalusia (Spain).
Ahmad Dahlan . Or Muhammad Darwisy   is a national hero who is also the founder of Persyarikatan Muhammadiyah. He joined as a member of Boedi Oetomo , the first youth organization in Indonesia. He is a figure of youth reformer who greatly embodies idealism in his life, especially in the field of education.
An-Nidam as-Siyasi . Political organizations and government administration during the Umayyad dynasty which included positions: Caliph (head of state), Wizarah (ministry), Kitabah (secretariat), and Hijabah (personal escort).
An-Nidam al-Idary . The State administrative organization during the Umayyad dynasty consisted of four departments, namely: al-kharaj (tax department), Ar-Rasail (postal department), Al-.mustagillat (council that handles public interests), and al-Khatim (the department save state documents).
An-Nidam al-Mali . Umayyad dynasty financial organization.
An-Nidam al-Harby . military organization of the Umayyad dynasty.
An-Nid am al-Qadi . Judicial organization of the Umayyad dynasty .
Baitul mall . The house where the wealth is collected, the Institution    regulate income and expenditure of State assets.
Baitul Hikmah . The central library in the city of Baghdad was founded by the Caliph Al-Makmun of the Abbasid Dynasty.
Bilal Bin Rabah . A slave who was tortured by his employer named Sumayyah bin Khalaf in the hot sun because of entering Islam which was later freed by Abu Bakar As-Shidiq.
Babul Ilmi (gate of science). The title for Ali bin Abi Talib was because of the breadth of his knowledge. In addition, he also holds the title Abu Thurab.
Baghdad . First built by Caliph Ja'far Al-Mansur as the center of the Abbasid daulah government. The Abbasids were built by Abdullah Abbas Syafah and branded the heyday of the Caliph Harun Ar-Rasyid and Al-ma'mun
Damascus . The center of the Umayyad government
Abbasid dynasty . is the second Islamic caliphate in power in Baghdad (now the capital of Iraq ). This Caliphate came to power after seizing it from the Umayyads and subjugating all its territory except Andalusia . The Abbasids were referred to the descendants of the Prophet's uncle The youngest Muhammad , namely Abbas bin Abdul-Muttalib ( 566 - 652 ), the founder of this dynasty was Abdullah abbas as-syafah. reached the height of glory at the time of the caliph Harun arrasyid and al-mamun.
Umayyad dynasty . It was founded by Muawiyah bin Abi Sufyan after winning in Tahkim Daumatul Jandal against Ali bin Abi Talib. The Umayyad dynasty reached its peak during the reign of Caliph Umar bin Abdul Aziz.
Pure Democracy . The model of democracy that was carried out by Muslims to elect the caliph Abu Bakr As-Shidiq where his nomination was carried out by individuals, namely Umar bin Khattab, who was apparently approved by all those present at the time of Safiqah. After that, followed by the second pembaiatan in the Nabawi mosque.
Guided democracy . The model of democracy that was carried out by Muslims to elect the Caliph Umar bin Khattab where he was appointed as caliph based on the appointment of the caliph who still held office. Then, the appointment was agreed upon by the community.
Liberal Democracy . The democratic model that was once carried out by Muslims to elect Caliph Usman in Affan where he was appointed as caliph by entrusting decision making to someone after going through a designated formation team, then the formation team chose candidates to become caliphs by majority vote.
Democracy acclamation . The model of democracy that has been carried out by Muslims to elect the caliph Ali bin Abi Talib, where he was appointed as caliph by means of Muslim approval.
Dhunnurain . This means that having two lights is the title of Usman bin Affan because he married two daughters R asulullah Saw, namely Rukayyah and Ummu kulsum
Fathul Mecca . the events that occurred in 630 AD precisely on the 10th of Ramadan 8 AH, where the Prophet Muhammad and 10,000 troops moved from Medina to Mecca , and then took control of Mecca as a whole without the slightest bloodshed while destroying idols placed in and around the Ka'bah .
Gua Hira . The place of peace (silence) carried out by Ras ulullah Saw to request guidance from Allah SWT, on how to improve the condition of the Arabs who are currently experiencing moral destruction.
Tsur Cave . The hiding place of the Prophet and Abu Bakr As-Shidiq from the pursuit of the infidels of Qura isy when they moved to Medina.
Black Stone: a stone that is believed by Muslims to Islam came from heaven , and the first to find it was Ishmael and put it is Abraham . Once upon a time this stone had bright rays and could illuminate the entire Arabian peninsula. But the longer the light dimmed and until now it was black .
Hamzah bin Abdul Mutholib . Uncle Rasulullah S aw. The sahid in the war of Uhud has the title lion Allah (assadullah). He was sahid hit by a spear from Wahsyi the slave of Jubair bin Mut'im who was promised independence.
Haji Wada . Happened In 10 H / 632 AD, he got the last revelation, namely surah Al-M aidah verse 3:
اَلْيَوْمَ اَمَلْتُ لَكُمْ دِيْنِكُمْ وَاَتْمَمْتُ عَلَيْكُمْ نِعْمَتِىْ وَرَضِيْتُ لَكُمُ اْلِاْسلَامَ دِيْنًا ....
Meaning: On this day I have perfected your religion for you, and I have fulfilled My favor for you and I have blessed Islam as your religion. "
Hubbal : This idol which is considered the "Moon God" was carried by 'Amr bin Luhay from Ma'arib (Moab) an area in Balqa'. According to the story of Ibn Hisham, he said that one of the learned men told me that the first person to bring idols to Mecca was' Amr binLuhay.
Harun al-Rasyid . The Caliph who brought the Abbasid dynasty reached its peak
Hasan Al-Basri . Ulama from Basrah who are instrumental in giving a dot and row in the letters of the Qur'an at the command of Abdul Malik bin Marwan
Hasyim Asy'ari. KH . born in Jombang Regency , East Java , February 14 1871   -   died in Jombang, East Java, July 21 1947 at the age of 76 years; 24 Dzul Qo'dah 1287 H - 3 Ramadan 1366 H; buried in Tebu Ireng, Jombang ) was one of the Indonesian National Heroes [2] who was the founder of Nahdlatul Ulama , the largest Islamic mass organization in Indonesia . In Nahdliyin and Islamic boarding school scholars he was dubbed as Hadratus Sheikh, which means master teacher .
Isra Mi'raj . Occurred at the end of the prophetic period in Makkah before the Prophet Muhammad moved to Medina. According to al-Mawdudi and the majority of scholars, Ascension occurred in the first year before moving, ie between the years 620-621 AD According to al-Allama al-Manshurfuri, Ascension occurred on the night of 27 Rajab 10th year ken abian . Isra Mi'raj events are divided into 2 different events. In Isra , the Prophet Muhammad was "dispatched" by Allah SWT from the Holy Mosque to a Masjid al-Aqsa. Then in the Mi'raj the Prophet Muhammad was raised to the sky to Sidratul Muntaha which was the highest place. Here he received direct orders from Allah SWT to perform five daily prayers .
Imam al-Ghazali . His full name is Abu Hamid Muhammad bin Muhammad al Ghazali, Thusi ash-Shafi'i (born in Thus ;   1058   / 450 H - dies in Thus;   1111   / 14 Jumadil Akhir 505 H; age   52–53 years) was a Persian Muslim philosopher and theologian, known as Algazel in the Western world of the Middle Ages because he had a strong and wise memory that he held Hujjatul Islam . works in Sufism are ihya ulumuddin, in the field of philosophy, among others: al maqasid alfalasifah and tahafut al-falasifah.
Ibn Sina . Known as the father of modern medicine, who in the west recognized him as Avicena, a book entitled al-Qanun fi at-tibb was used as a medical guidebook for universities in European and Islamic countries.
Ibn Bajjah . The first figure in the history of Spanish-Arabic philosophy, his greatest work is Ris aah al-Ittisal
Ibn Tufail . His philosophy character is Hayy ibn yaqzan.
Ibn Rusyd . Known as the father of Western philosophy. Philosophical figures from Andalusia (Spain) in the west known as Averroes. In the field of philosophy his work is "tahaf ut at-tahafut", in the field of fiqh his work "Bidayah al-Mujtahid" and in the field of medicine his work "Kulliyat fi at-tib"
Jahiliyyah . According to historian Ahmad Amin, Jahiliyyah implies lightness, hardness, rigidity, and pride in his tribe. Meanwhile, according to Hasan Ibrahim Hasan, it was called jahiliyyah because of two factors: first, there was no single entity in the frame of one country with one strong and strong leadership, they did not have rules, so the strong ones could oppress the weak. Secondly, most of the population is illiterate and only a very few can read and write. Jahiliyyah habits include:
  1. Worship and sacrifice to idols include: Latta, Uzza, Hubbal, Mana, etc.
  2. Escorting his father's ex-wife (mother may be inherited to her child)
  3. Burying a baby girl alive, A man buries his daughter alive into the ground, after his birth, for fear of getting a disgrace .
  4. Draw fate with arrows
  5. Believe in the person / paranormal
  6. Killing children, both men and women. They did this atrocity because they were afraid of poverty and fear of hunger, or they had given up hope of the catastrophic severe poverty that had struck.
  7. Al-qimar (gambling), or commonly known as " al-maysir ".
  8. Istibdha marriage '. If the wife of one of the men between them finishes her period and then has been purified, then the noblest man and the best manners and order among them may ask the woman. The goal, so that the woman can be fucked in a period that allows her to give birth to children who inherit the qualities of perfection the man who had intercourse with him earlier.
i.      The woman dressed up when she left the house, with the aim of revealing her beauty, when she passed in front of the ajnabi man (the man who was not his mahram). The course is flirtatious, graceful, as if he is showing off himself and wants to attract others.
j.      Selling slave girls as prostitutes. At the door of the house of the slave woman , a red flag will be installed, so that people will know that she is a prostitute and men will come to her. That way, the slave girl
Jabir al-Batany . The creator of the first star binoculars
Jamaluddin Al-Afghani . His full name is Sayyid Jamaluddin al-Afghani. He was born in Asadabad in 1839 and died in Istanbul in 1897. He received the title of Sayyid because he was descended from Husayn ibn Ali ibn Abi Tha lib . When political problems occur at . Egypt, he left Paris (France). In this city he founded an organization called AL-Urwatul Wusqa which consisted of militant Muslims in Egypt, Syria and North Africa. This organization aims to accelerate the brotherhood of Islam, defend, and encourage Muslims to achieve progress.
        Following are some of Al-Afghani's thoughts on Islamic renewal:
a.      The decline of Muslims is not because Islam is not in accordance with the times and changes in conditions. Setbacks are caused by several factors. Some of these factors are as follows:
1)   Muslims have been influenced by the nature of being static, holding on to taklid, and being fatalist.
2)     Muslims have left high morals and have forgotten science.
3)     In the political field, the unity of the Islaam became divided.
b.    To restore glory to the past and at the same time face the modern world, Muslims must return to pure Islamic teachings and Islam must be understood with reason and freedom.
c.     The style of absolute and absolute autocracy must be replaced by a democratic government. The head of state must consult with experienced community leaders.
d.     There is no separation between religion and politics. Pan Islamism or a sense of solidarity between Muslims must be restored .
Khadijah Binti Khuwailid . is the Prophet's first wife Muhammad . His full name is Khadijah bint Khuwa ilid bin Asad bin Abdul Uzza bin Qushai. Khadijah al-Kubra, daughter of Khuwailid bin Asad and Fatimah bint Za'idah , came from the tribe of the Banu Asad of the tribe of Quraysh . He is an as-Sabiqun al-Awwalun woman . From marriage with Khadijah Alla, he gave 6 children, namely Qasim , Abdullah , Zainab , Ruqaiah , Ummi Kulthum , and Fatimah .
Khalifaturrasulullah . Call it the caliph of Abu Bakr As-Shidiq, which means that the successor of the Prophet was the leader of the ummah.
Latta : An idol in the form of a chiseled stone, built by a house on it. In ancient times, Latta was a man who used to take the usual flour, to feed the pilgrims. When he died, people built a house above his grave and covered it with curtains. This idol is the worship of the Thaqif in Ta'if and his servant is from Bani Muattab.
Makkah : Makkah, which means '' urgent '', namely urging people who are immoral to Allah SWT to get out of the region. The city of Mecca was nicknamed al-Mukarramah, because Mecca was a city glorified by Allah SWT. Because, here Allah commands Prophet Ibrahim AS and US Ismail to establish Baitullah (Ka'bah). is a major city in Saudi Arabia . The city is the main destination of the Muslims in performing the Hajj . In this city there is a main building called the Grand Mosque with the Ka'bah in it. Kaaba building is used as a benchmark towards the Qiblah for worship prayers the people of Islam throughout the world. The city is a town su ci Muslims and the birthplace of the Prophet Muhammad
Manath : Idols in the form of large stones located not far on Mount Qudayd between Mecca and Medina. This idol belongs to the tribe of Khuza'ah, Aus, and Khazraj. If they are on a pilgrimage, they will take their wings beside them, and they worship them.
Haram Mosque . a mosque in the city of Mecca which is seen as holiest shrines of Islam . This mosque is also the main destination in the Hajj . This mosque was built around the Ka'bah which was the direction of direction for Muslims in performing the prayer service . This mosque is also the largest mosque in the world.
Quba Mosque . Also called the Takwa mosque is the mosque that was first built by the Prophet Muhammad on 1 Hijriyah or 622 AD in Quba , about 5 km southeast of the city of Medina . In the Qur'an it is stated that the Quba mosque is a mosque built on piety ( Sura al- Tawba : 108 ).
Nabawi Mosque . the second mosque built by the Prophet Muhammad. after the Quba Mosque was set up on a hijrah journey from Mecca to Medina. The Nabawi Mosque was built from the very first moment the Prophet arrived in Medina, where the camel ride the Prophet stopped his journey. The location was originally a fruit drying space palm -owned subsidiary yat im two brothers Sahl and Suhayl ibn 'Amr, which was then purchased by the Prophet to be woken up mosques and places his residence.
Mosque of Cordova . Founded during the reign of Abdurrahman Ad-Dakhil. It has 1,300 poles that are capable of 80,000 tons. This mosque is called a pearl of the world. but in 1236 it was changed to the church of La Mazquita
Istiqlal Mosque . the national mosque of the Republic of Indonesia which is located in the center of the capital city of Jakarta . Istiqlal Mosque is the largest mosque in Southeast Asia . [2] The construction of this mosque was initiated by the then President of the Republic of Indonesia, Ir. Soekarno where the erection of the first stone, as a sign of the start of the construction of the Istiqlal Mosque was carried out by Ir. Soekarno on August 24 1951 . The architect of the Istiqlal Mosque is Frederich Silaban , a Protestant Christian .
Demak Great Mosque. The founder of this mosque is estimated to be Raden Patah , the first king of the Demak Sultanate around the 15th century AD. Raden Patah Air at Wali Songo . the construction of this mosque was led by Sunan Kalijaga . The main building has four main pillars called saka guru . One of the main pillars was said to be rice from wood chips, so it was named saka tatal .
Modernization / Renewal . That is an effort to adjust the religious understanding of Islam with the development and development of modern science and technology
Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab . I ended up in Uyainah, Nejd, Saudi Arabia in 1703. He was born to a family known for his piety and faith. He has a movement which became known as the Wahhabi movement. The emergence of this movement can not be separated from the condition of Muslims at that time, namely as follows:
a.   Politically, Muslims in all Islamic jurisdictions are in a weak state. At that time those in power were Ottoman Turks who were the sole rulers, but the kingdom was experiencing a decline in all fields.
b.   There is a decrease in enthusiasm in understanding the Qur'an because Muslims are fatalistic and tend to be mystical.
c.    Tawheed taught by the Prophet Muhammad. has been corrupted by shirk habits.
d.    Islamic cities , such as Makkah and Madinah, have become places full of faith deviations.
This wahabi movement was successful thanks to the help of a tribal chief named Muhammad Ibn Saud who later established a kingdom under the leadership of his descendants. Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab has several thoughts, including the following:
a.    The Qur'an and Hadith are the original sources of Islamic teachings, while the opinions of the scholars are not a source of Islamic teachings.
b.   Taklid to scholars is not justified.
c.    The door of ijti had remained open and permissible by returning to the Qur'an and the sunnah of the Prophet.
Muhammadiyyah.   The Muhammadiyah organization was founded by KH Ahmad Dahlan in Kampun g Kauman Yogyakarta on November 18 191 2 (8 Dzulhijjah 1330 H) The name of this organization is taken from the name of the Prophet Muhammad , so Muhammadiyah can also be known as those who are followers of the Prophet Muhammad.
The main objective of Muhammadiyah is to return all irregularities that occur in the process of preaching. This deviation often causes the teachings of Islam to mix and mingle with habits in certain regions for reasons of adaptation.
The Muhammadiyah movement characterized the spirit of building a more advanced and educated social and educational system of society. Showing Islamic teachings is not just a religion that is personal and static, but dynamic and domiciled as a system of human life in all its aspects.

Muhammad Abduh . was born in Egypt in 1849. He is a thinker, theologian, and reformer of the Islamic world in Egypt. The lineage of his descendants continued with Umar bin Khatt ab. While studying at Al-Azhar, he met Jamaluddin al-Afghani. He was very impressed with Al-Afghan thoughts. After graduation, he taught at Al-Azhar and actively wrote the Al-Abram newspaper . He also serves as Chancellor of Al-Azhar.
              Adapting his renewal ideas that have a positive impact on the development of Islamic thought is as follows:
a.     The opening of the door to ijtihad because ijtihad is an important basis in reinterpreting the teachings of Islam.
b.     Respect for reason. Abduh said that Islam is a rational religion, which is in line with the scientific reason that will advance.
c.     State power must be limited by the constitution made by the country concerned.
d.      Modernize the education system in Al az ar.
Muhammad bin Umar An-Nawawi Al-Bantani . was born in Tanara, Serang, Banten in 1230 H / 1813 AD. Since he was small and his two brothers, Tamim and Abmad, in his father's education in the fields of religion, kalam science, nahwu science, fiqh and interpretation. In addition, he also studied from Haji Sabal, a famous cleric at the time, and from Raden Haji Yusuf in Purwakarta, West Java.
Sheikh Nawawi A-Bantani is one of the archipelago ulama who is quite influential and highly respected, not only among the Nusanta ra Malay community but also the Haramain community as a whole. His social religious and intellectual position gave him the opportunity to teach various halaqah in the Grand Mosque since 1860, especially in Ma'had Nashr Al-Ma'arif Ad-Diniyah, until finally he obtained the title of "Sheikh Al-Hijaz"
Muhammad Ali Jinnah . a lawyer, politician and founder of Pakistan. Jinnah was the leader of the Indian Muslim League from 1913 to Pakistani independence on August 14, 1947, and served as the first Governor-General of Pakistan until his death. In Pakistan, he was called Quaid-i-Azam and Baba-i-Qaum
Musailamah alkadzab (liar ) , his real name is Masamah. Given the title of al-Kadzab because he was a liar, he claimed to be a prophet. He tried to match the Qur'an, the false prophet Musailamah Al Kadzab made a composition to rival the Qur'an. some of the verses of the Qur'an for example are: Meaning: Hi the word (frog) of the children of two frogs, croaking as you please, the upper part you are in the water and the bottom you are on the ground.Musailamah Al Kadzab fails to match the Qur'an . He even got ridicule and insults from the community. Musailamah Al Kadzab who claimed to be a prophet was finally killed in the Yamamah war by Wahsyi.
Mustafa Kemal At-Tarturk. His name is Ghazi Mustafa Kemal Pasha , a Turkish military officer and statesman who led the country's revolution. He is also the founder and first president of the Republic of Turkey . The Great Turkish Assembly gave Mustafa Kemal the name "Atatürk" (which means "Father of the Turks") on November 24, 1934. He was the one who introduced secularism in Turkey. Secularism is an ideology which states that a state institution or body must stand apart from religion or belief .
Malco l m X . born with the name Malcolm Little and known as El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz is a prominent African-American Muslim and human rights activist. For his admirers, he was a person who dared to fight for black rights
Nahdlotul Ulama. ( Awakening 'Ulama or the Revival of Islamic Scholars ), abbreviated as NU , is an organization I slam the largest in Indonesia . [3] This organization was established on January 31, 1926 and engaged in religious, educational , social and economic fields . There are many factors behind the establishment of NU . Among these factors are the development and renewal of Islamic thought which requires the prohibition of all forms of Sunni practices. A thought for Muslims to return to the teachings of "pure" Islam, that is, by the way Muslims are ridding themselves of a system of culture. For pesantren leaders , the renewal of religious thought is still inevitably true, but still not by abandoning the scientific traditions of the previous scholars who are still relevant. For this reason, Jam'iyah Nahdlatul Ulama is urgent enough to be established right away.
To assert the basic principles of this organization, KH Hasjim Asy'ari formulated the book Qanun Asasi (basic principle), then also formulated the book I'tiqad Ahlussunnah Wal Jamaah . The two books were then embodied in the NU khittah , which served as the basis and reference for NU residents to think and act in the social, religious and political fields.
NU adheres to Ahlussunah waljama'ah , a mindset that takes a middle way between extreme aqli (rationalist) and naqli extremists (scripturalists). Therefore the source of Islamic law for NU is not only the Koran , the Sunnah , but also uses the ability of reason coupled with empirical reality. This way of thinking was referred from earlier thinkers like- i Abu al-Hasan al-Ash'ari and Abu Mansur Al Maturidi in the field of theology / Tauhid / divinity. Then in the field of jurisprudence is more likely to follow the school: Imam Shafi'i and recognize three other schools of thought: Imam Hanafi , Imam Maliki , and Imam Hanbali as illustrated in the 4-star NU symbol below. While in the field of Sufism , developed the method of Al-Ghazali and Juneid Sheikh al-Bagdadi , which integrates between Sufism and Shari'a .
Pan Islamism. understanding that aims to unite Muslims worldwide. This notion comes from the idea of ​​Jamal al-Din al-Afghani (1839-1897). The idea was actually vaguely proclaimed by At-Tahtawi (1801-1873), a prominent reformer of Islam in Egypt. At-Tahtawi has mentioned two ideas, namely Islam and patriotism. He stressed that between the ideas of Islam and patriotism were not contradictory. These two ideas then transformed into two forms of brotherhood, namely brotherhood (ukhuwah) islamiah and brotherhood (ukhuwah) wathaniah.  
War Forces . Civil war between the Aus tribe and the Khazraj tribe in Medina which occurred before the Prophet. Moving to Medina .
The Battle of Badr . Badr is a famous water base between Medina and Makkah. This war occurred on the 17th of Ramadan 2nd year of Hijriyah / 3 January 623 AD housed in a jade called Badar between Mecca and Medina. The Muslim troops numbered 313 people against 1,000 unbelievers of Quraysh. There was a fight between Hamzah bin Abdul Mutrhalib against Syaiba bin Rabia, Ali Bin Abi Talib against Utbah bin Rabia, and Ubaidah bin Harith against Walid bin Utbah. It was recorded that the Quraish infidel forces were killed 70 and 70 were prisoners while 14 Islamic forces were sahid.
The background of the battle of Badr was when the caravan of infidel trade in the Quraysh of Mecca led by Abu Sufyan bin Harb crossed the edge of the land of Medina, the Messenger of Allah. Meyuruh intercepted it in the middle of the road. Seb ab treasure that brought them most of the spoils of the Muslims when they would emigrate to Madinah .
The Battle of Uhud . Occurs in the middle of the month of Sha'ban 3 Hijri / January 625 M located at the foot of the hill Uud (north of Madina h). Muslim troops numbered 700 (initially 1000 troops but Abdullah bin Ubay defected with 300 troops) against 3000 Quraish infidels led by Khalid bin Walid. The Muslim army was killed as many as 7 people while the infidels were 25 people. The defeat of the Islamic forces was due to the archers on duty on the hill Uudud not obeying the orders of the Prophet to remain in his post to monitor the movements of the enemy forces but left the post because they were tempted by the spoils left by the Quraish infidel forces.
The background of the Uhud war was the revenge of the Kafir Quraish Mecca after the defeat in the Battle of Badr by planning a major attack on the Muslims in Medina.
Khandaq War . It happened in Shawwal 5 H / March 627 AD. It was also called the Ahzab war (ally / joint) because the Quraysh forces which numbered 10,000 more were a combination of tribes that were hostile to Islam and also called trench warfare because the Muslims made trenches around Medina at the suggestion Salman Al-Farisi. The making of the trench was completed in one week with a trench from west to east in the city of Medina. Islamic forces have been alerted in the western and eastern regions of the city of Medina.
War of Mut'ah . It happened in the Mut'ah area, the cause of the war was the destruction of the Prophet Muhammad. Namely Harith bin Umair, who brought a letter to King Gassan to appeal to Islam. 3,000 Islamic forces under the leadership of Zaid bin Harithah to confront King Gassan who received assistance from the Roman forces with 200,000 troops. Islamic forces led by Zaid bin Harithah, Ja'far bin Abi Talib, Abdullah bin abi Rawahah, and Khalid bin Walid. While the enemy was led by Heraclius, Theodorus, Syurahbil bin Amr, Al-Ghassani, and Malik bin Zafilah. You know, Islam is legitimate, only 12 people are nearly 20,000 enemies.
Shiffin War . The Siffin War occurred between Ali bin Abi Talib's army and Muawiyah ibn Abi Sufyan, the founder of the Umayyad Dynasty. The civil war took place at 1 Shafar in 37 H / 26-28 July 657 AD The first civil war in the history of Islamic civilization occurred in the days of great slander. 
Jamal war . the war that took place in Basra , Iraq in 656 AD, between the troops who sided with Ali bin Abi Talib and the forces of Aisha (the wife of the Prophet), Talhah, and zubair who demanded the investigation into the murder of Caliph Usman bin Affan. Called the Jamal war because Ayesha rode a camel.
Crusade . a series of intermittent military campaigns endorsed by several popes in the Middle Ages , from 1096 to 1487. In 1095 the Byzantine Emperor Alexius I Komnenus sent an envoy from Constantinople to Pope Urban II in Italy to ask for military support in the conflict with the Turks in the east . [1] The pope immediately responded by calling on Catholic soldiers to join in the First Crusade . The short-term goal is to guarantee the access of pilgrims to holy places in the Holy Land which is under the control of Muslim rulers. The long-term goal was to reunite the Tim ur and Western branches of the Christian world after their split in 1054 , with the pope as the united head of the Church.
Aqabah Agreement 1 . It happened in 612 AD, where 12 people from the tribe of Aus and Khazraj who performed the pilgrimage made an oath of allegiance with the Prophet: the contents of the Aqabah 1 among others: They will not condemn God with anything , they will not steal , they will not commit adultery , they will not kill children , they will not commit slander, lies, and cheat, and they will not disobey the Prophet Muhammad.
Aqabah Agreement 2 . It happened in 622 AD, the Muslims from Yathrib consisting of 73 men and 2 women faced the Prophet and made an agreement at Aqabah. From the agreement it was agreed: The Muslims of Yathrib were ready to defend Islam and the Messenger of Allah , the Messenger of Allah to emigrate to Yathrib, Rasulullah and Muslims would face a very big struggle facing the anger of the Quraish infidels.
The classical period lasted for 7 centuries, from the time of the leadership of Khulafaurrosyidin (661-750 AD), the U mayyah dynasty (661-750 AD), and the Abasiyah Dynasty (750-1250 AD). classical period (lasting from the years 650-1250 AD) Islam enjoyed a golden age or the heyday .with proved their breadth of Islamic territory, the integration between the regions of Islam, d an Islamic progress their peak in the field of science and science around the year 1000 .However -1250M the integrity of Muslims in the political field broke out , the power of the Caliph decreased, finally in 1251 AD can be controlled and destroyed Hulagu Khan.        
mid period . pa da middle period is divided into two phases, namely the phase of deterioration (1250-1500M) of this age increasingly decentralized and disintegration sehiungga many breakaway region of central power. And Phase 3 of the big kingdom (1500-1800M ). began the era of progress (1500-1700M) with three countries, namely the Ottoman Empire in Turkey, the Syrian court in Persia, and the Mughal kingdom in India.   
modern period (1800m now). This period is also called the period of renewal because it is the zama of the awakening and awareness of Muslims towards their weaknesses and their existence to gain progress in various fields, especially in the fields of knowledge and technology.    
Exactly. Islamic Unity (abbreviated as Persis or PERSIS ) is an Islamic organization in Indonesia. It was founded on September 12, 1923 in Bandung by a group of Muslims who were interested in education and religious activities led by Haji Zamzam and Haji Muhammad Yunus. It was established with the aim of giving the Islamic experience in accordance with the original that was brought by the Prophet and gave a different view from the understanding of traditional Islam which was considered not original because it mixed with local culture, blindness, non-critical attitude and
do not want to dig deeper into Islam by opening the saheeh books of Hadith. Therefore, through the ulamas such as Ahmad Hassan, also known as Hassan Bandung or Hassan Bangil, Persis introduced Islam which only originated from Al-Qu ran and Hadith. Organizations of Islamic Unity have spread in many provinces including West Java, DKI Jakarta, Riau and Gorontalo. Exactly not a religious organization that is politically oriented but more focused on Islamic Education and Da'wah and seeks to uphold the teachings of Islam as a whole without being interfered with khurafat, shirk, and heresy which have spread widely among Muslim laymen.
Medina Charter . Also known as the Medina Constitution, is a document compiled by the Prophet Muhammad , which was a formal agreement between himself and all the tribes and important people in Yathrib (later Madinah ) in 622. The document was arranged as clearly as possible. he explained with the main aim to stop the fierce opposition between Bani 'Aus and Bani Khazraj in Medina. For this reason the document establishes a number of rights and obligations for Muslims , Jews , and pagan communities of Medina; thus making them into a community unit, which in Arabic is called ummah .
Hudaibiyah Agreement . The agreement between the Muslims and the infidels of Quraysh in a place called Hudaibiyah in 628 AD The contents of the agreement are: Not attacking each other between the Muslims and the inhabitants of Mecca for ten years, the Muslims postponed Umrah and were allowed to enter Mecca the following year without carrying weapons except swords in their sheaths and wandering weapons. Anyone who comes to Medina from the city of Mecca must be returned to Mecca. Anyone from Medina who comes to Mecca should not be returned to Medina. This agreement is agreed by both parties. and there must be no penance or violation
Rabiah Al-Adawiyyah . Sufi women wing Sunnis during the dynasty of the Umayyads who became the leader of the women disciples and Zahidah, who devoted himself to research the law of chastity very fearful and obedient to God. Rabi'ah Al-Adawiyah was nicknamed The Mother of the Grand Master because of his divinity (Ma habbah) 
Riddah. Apostate groups (out of Islam) who oppose Islamic government, groups who are reluctant to pay zakat and groups claiming to be Prophets.
Salman al-Farisi . Architects in the khandak war by digging trenches around Madinah (more than 4 meters deep and 6 meters deep).
Saqifah Bani Saidah . A gathering place for Ansar leaders from Banu Aus and Khazraj to discuss the issue of leadership succession after the Prophet Muhammad died where they would nominate Sa'ad bin Ubadah from Ban i Khazraj as a successor to the Prophet Muhammad.
Saifullah (sword of Allah) : a title for the friend of Khalid bin Walid. Who was ruled by the Romans.
Islamic company . formerly named Sarekat Dagang Islam (abbreviated as SDI ) was founded on October 16, 1905 by Haji Samanhudi . SDI is an organization that was first born in Indonesia, initially organization, formed by Haji Samanhudi and his friends are the merchants association Islam against the Dutch political give flexibility to control the entry of foreign merchants Kompl ar economy of the people at that time. At the first SDI congress in Solo in 1906, his name was changed to Sarikat Islam. On September 10, 1912 thanks to political and social conditions at that time HOS Tjokroaminoto approached ap notary B. ter Kuile in Solo to make Sarikat Islam a Legal Entity with the new SI Articles of Association, then received recognition and was approved by the Dutch Government on September 14, 1912.
Sultan Muhammad II . Nicknamed al-fatih or the conqueror (the conqueror). In 1453 succeeded in conquering Constantinople (Istanbul) in Roman-controlled Turkey .
Sayyid Ahmad Khan . Indian educators and politicians, as well as reformers and Islamic modernists. Sir Syed pioneered modern education for the Muslim community in India by establishing Muhammedan Anglo-Oriental College, which later developed into Aligarh Muslim University
Suraqah bin Malik . Famous as a molded horse rider. His stature was large, his eyes sharp . Deserves it to be a reliable track finder. There is no difficult way for him. Moreover, the horse is agile and well trained. When chasing the Messenger of Allah many times he and his horse were mired in which he finally embraced Islam.
Sunan Maulana Mali k Ibrahim . The original name was Maulana Makhdum Ibrahim As Samarkandy. He was born in Samarkand, Central Asia, in the first half of the 14th century. Maulana Malik Ibrahim is also called Syekh Maghribi. He is a brother with Maulana Ishak, a prominent scholar in Samudera Pasai, and father of Sunan Giri (Raden Paku). In 1392, Maulana Malik Ibrahim moved to Java, precisely in Sembalo village (now Leran), Manyar, north of the city of Gresik. The first activity carried out in the village was to trade by opening a shop, which provides basic necessities at low prices. In addition, Maulana Malik Ibrahim also provides himself to treat the community for free.
Sunan Ampel . he was the eldest son of Maulana Malik Ib uterus. His real name is Raden Rahmat. He was born in 1401 in Campa. The name Ampel itself is identified in the name of the place where it has long lived, namely in the area of ​​Ampel or Ampel Denta, the area that is now part of Surabaya, the city of Wonokromo sek arang. Sunan Ampel entered the island of Java in 1443. Sunan Ampel built and developed Islamic boarding schools, which became known as the Ampel Denta Islamic Boarding School. In the mid-15th century, the Ampel Denta Islamic Boarding School became the center of Islamic education which was very influential in the archipelago, even to foreign countries. In delivering the material, Sunan Ampel delivered very basic and simple material. Sunan Ampel also introduced the term Mo Limo (moh playing, moh ngombe, moh maling, moh madat, moh madon) .
Sunan Giri . Sunan Giri's real name is Muhammad Ainul Yaqin. Sunan Giri's first name is Raden Paku. He was born in Blambangan (now Banyuwangi) in 1442. His father was Muhammad Ishak, the sibling of Maulana Malik Ibrahim. Maulana I shak succeeded in Islamizing his wife, but failed to Islamize his father-in-law. That's why he left his wife's family and traveled to Samudera Pasai. Little Sunan Giri studied at the Ampel Denta Islamic boarding school which was founded by Sunan Ampel. He also traveled to Malacca and Pasai. After that, he opened a pesantren in the hilly area of ​​Sidomukti village, South Gresik. The material presented by Sunan Giri is a matter of aqidah and worship with the fiqh approach which is delivered in a straightforward manner. Islamic boarding school i is not only used as a place of education, but also used as a center for community development.
Sunan Bonang . Sunan Bonang is the son of Sunan Ampel, which also means the grandson of Maulana Malik Ibrahim. His first name is Raden Makdum Ibrahim. Be liau was born in 1465. Her mother was named Nyi Ageng Manila, daughter of a Duke in Tuban. Sunan Bonang studied religion from his father's boarding school in Ampel Denta. After growing up, he traveled to preach in various parts of Java. At first, he converted to Kediri and later settled in Bonang, Lasem, Central Java. In the village he built a pesantren which is now known as Watu Layar. Sunan Bonang also wrote many literary works in the form of suluk or tamsil songs. One of them is Suluk Wijil which is influenced by the book Al-Shidiq by Abu Sa'id Al-Khayr. And song Tombo A is also one of his works.
Sunan Kalijaga . He is a guardian whose name is most commonly called Javanese. He was born around 1450. His father was Ar ya Wilatikta, Adipati Tuban, one of the descendants of the Majapahit rebel figure named Ronggolawe. The small name of Sunan Kalijaga is Raden Said. He also has a number of nicknames such as Lokajaya, Syekh Malaya, Pangeran Tuban, or Raden Abdurrahma n. In carrying out his missionary movement, Sunan Kalijaga used arts and cultural facilities, such as carving, puppets, gamelan, and suluk sound art. Some of the works of Sunan Kalijaga include creating a celebration of patents, grebek maulud, Layang Kalimasada , and puppet plays Petruk Become Kings.
Sunan Gunung Jati . Sunan Gunung Jati or Syarif Hidayatullah was born around 1448. His mother was Nyai Rara Santang, daughter of Raja Pajajaran, Raden Manah Rarasa. His father was Sultan Syarif Abdulah Maulana Huda, Egyptian dignitary of the descendants of the Banu Hashim of Palestine. Since childhood Syarif Hidayatullah studied Islam and only began to study religion intensively since he was 14 years old from Egyptian scholars. He had traveled to various countries. After the establishment of the Bintoro Demak Sultanate and with the blessing of other scholars, he founded the Cirebon Sultanate, also known as the Pakungwati Sultanate. Thus, Sunan Gunung Jati is the only Wali Songo who leads the government. In be preaching, Sunan Gunung Jati approached the people by building infrastructure in the form of roads that connect between regions. Then Sunan Gunung Jati also carried out an expedition to Banten until the ruler of Bantul, Pucuk Umum, handed over voluntarily the control of the Banten region which later became the forerunner of the Banten Sultanate.
Sunan Drajat . Sunan Drajat was born in 1470. The first name of Sunan Drajat is Raden Qosim and holds the title Syaifuddin. His father is Sunan Ampel. Sunan Drajat got the first gas from his father to preach to the coast of Gresik, by sea. But he was then stranded in Jelog Hamlet, the coastal area of ​​Banjarwati or Lamongan now. The following year, Sunan Drajat moved to the south and founded the Dalem Duwur santri hermitage , which is now called Drajat village, Paciran, Lamongan. Sunan Drajat is known as an unpretentious and helpful person, as well as caring for orphans and the needy. In preaching, Sunan Drajat does not use the method of approaching local culture but directly that is about monotheism and faith.
Sunan Kudu s . The first name of Sunan Kudus is Jaffar Sadiq. Sunan Kudus studied a lot with Sunan Kalijaga. Sunan Kudus preached to various barren areas in Central Java such as S ragen, Simo, to Gunung Kidul. His way of preaching also mimics Sunan Kalijaga's approach, which is very tolerant to local culture. The way to deliver it is even smoother. Therefore, the trustees appointed him to be a disseminator of Islam in Kudus. This happened because he was one of the trustees who tried to accommodate the local culture in preaching among the people of Kudus, the majority of whom were Hindus.
Sunan Muria . Sunan Muria is the son of Dewi Saroh from his marriage with Sunan Kalij aga. Dewi Saroh is the younger brother of Sunan Giri and the son of Sheikh Muhammad Ishak. The first name of Sunan Muria is Raden Prawoto. The name Muria is taken from its last residence on the slopes of Mount Muria, which is north of the holy city. Sunan Muria claimed from Jepara, tayu, Juana to around Kudus and starch. One of the results of his preaching through art is the songs Sinom and Kinanti.
Tahkim Daumatul Jandal. A peace effort between the Caliph Ali Bin Abi Talib and Muawiyyah ibn Abi Sufyan in the Shiffin section whose contents included: Muawiyah and Ali each took up their positions, and the affairs of the Caliphate were left to the Muslims to elect the new caliph
Taif . a city in Hijaz southeast of Mecca, the Prophet was accompanied by his adopted son, Zaid bin Harithah, but the prophet's mission was greeted with a stone throw from Bani Saqif.
Thariq bin Ziyad. Andalusian (Spanish) conqueror in 711 AD at the behest of the Caliph Walid bin Abdul Malik of the Umayyad Sovereignty with 7,000 troops against Raj a Roderick. Arriving in the strait he burned his warship and ignited the spirit of jihad, so that the strait was known as the straits of Jabal Thariq or the strait of Gibraltar.
Tajmahal . Built by King Shah Jehan of the Mughal kingdom in India as a courtesy and love for his wife "Mumtaz Mahal". In 1983 it was designated as a world heritage site by UNESCO
Uzza : The tree idol of Sallam which is located in the valley of Nakhlah which is located between Mecca and Ta'if. In the vicinity there is a big bang , and curtains. This idol also has servants (guards). This Uzza is an idol belonging to the Quraysh tribe, Sulaim; Gathafan and Jusyam and the tribes around him.
Umar Khayam . Mathematician , His work on the algebra entitled Treatise on al-Gebra. His work is believed to be more advanced than algebra arya Euklides and al-khawarimi.
Umar bin Abdul Aziz . A Umayyad caliph who was nicknamed "Khamis khulafaurrasyidin" or the fifth khulafaurrasyidin. At the time of the government, the Umayyads only reached their peak
Waraqah bin Nawfal . cousin Khadijah Muhammad's wife , one of the first people to embrace Islam . His full name is Waraqah bin Nawfal bin Assad bin Abd al-Uzza bin Qusayy Al-Qurashi . Waraqah is a Christian priest who lives in Mecca . He knew about the prophethood of Muhammad from the gospel . To hen he read out on Al-Alaq , he knew that Muhammad was a prophet.
Zaid Bin Harithah . The first person to convert to Islam from the slave class of slaves (slaves). And being the adopted child of the Prophet and he who accompanied the Prophet's preaching to Ta'if